Hello JH parents and guardians! The 2021-22 school year is almost here! Junior High Registration will be Wednesday, August 11th at Havana Junior High, from 9am-1pm and 2:30pm-5:30pm in the Junior High office. First day for students will be Wednesday, August 18th. We are currently working on our return to school plan, as situations can change daily...please be patient with this process. Below is a message from Supt. Plater.... If you have any questions or concerns, please email me: nbrady@havana126.net or call the JH Office: 309-543-3384 Thank you for your time and enjoy the rest of your summer break...and hopefully we will see everyone on 8/11 at registration. Go Ducks!
almost 3 years ago, Nathan Brady
You can find the Junior High supply list for the 2021-22 school year on our Junior Web page...just scroll down to the News section. You can also find it under the menu portion of the JH Web page, under documents then JH files..
almost 3 years ago, Nathan Brady
Congratulations to the 5 Havana #126 retirees. Thank you for your many years of dedicated service to the young people of Havana #126. Best wishes in retirement. You will be missed.
almost 3 years ago, R. Mathew Plater
Havana #126 Retirees
Today's 8th grade Promotion will be streamed via Facebook Live. You can access this link by going to our Havana District #126 Facebook page..the ceremony will begin at 1pm. Thank you to Quia Quinlan for streaming the event for us! Also, 8th graders are to arrive by noon for a short meeting with Mr. Wherley and a short practice run for the ceremony. Doors will open to the public by 12:45 pm. Only those with tickets will be allowed in...and masks will be required, while inside the building. We will allow for pictures following the ceremony, but do ask that everyone vacate the building and parking lot by 1:55pm, for our afternoon bus/parent pickup. Thank you for your cooperation and we look forward to seeing you this afternoon! Go Ducks!
almost 3 years ago, Nathan Brady
JH Parents and families, We need to know what families are interested in Summer School by this Friday, 4/23, at the latest. We sent out letters to those students' families who we recommended a few weeks ago, with a response date of 4/16 and have had a minimal response. Please let us know asap, if you are interested in sending your child to Summer School. As of now, we are planning to start Summer School on June 7th and last 4-6 weeks, depending on the # of students attending. This will be Monday-Thursday, 8am-11:30am and transportation will be provided, along with a breakfast and lunch (to-go) option. The main subject areas will be Math and English, with Science and Social Studies mixed in also... Thanks!
about 3 years ago, Nathan Brady
Students and Parents, We are approved for an 8th grade Bridging Ceremony, on Monday, May 17th, 1pm start at the Junior High Gym. This ceremony will last between 30-40 min. Pictures will be allowed after the ceremony, but everyone will need to depart the Junior High by 1:55pm. We will allow 4 tickets per student, for family members to attend. We will send those tickets out the week of May 10th. If someone does not have a ticket, they will not be allowed in the gym. Masks will be required of all those in attendance, while you are in the building. Parking is available in our West parking lot. Please do not park in front of our gym/cafeteria doors, so we do not block the buses. There is a possibility of a streaming option on Facebook live and we will update you on that, leading up to that date. If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know. We hope to see you on the 17th, to celebrate our future high schoolers!
about 3 years ago, Nathan Brady
Next week is IAR testing here at the Junior High. Your child will be testing Monday 4/12-Friday4/16 (7th and 8th will test from Tuesday 4/13-Tuesday 4/20) There is no testing accountability state-wide this year due to COVID, so this testing process is basically just gauging where our students are academically compared to past years. We would still like them to try their best and be in attendance for all testing. Here are some things to know for next week: - Please bring a working set of headphones - Please be on time to school each day, this is very important. If your child is sick for some reason, we can make up testing when they return. - Please get plenty of good sleep and eat as healthy as possible all week (and any week of the year for that matter ;)... - Please make sure your Chromebooks are fully charged overnight - Just relax and answer the questions to the best of your ability and you will be fine! Parents, if you have any questions, just let us know...thanks and take care!
about 3 years ago, Nathan Brady
Reminder: tomorrow, Thursday April 1st is our last day of school for the week. We are out for Easter Break on Friday 4/2 and Monday 4/5...we will be back in session on Tuesday, April 6th. Also, our State IAR testing will begin on Monday, April 12th through Friday, April 16th. Some grade-levels and makeups will still be testing on 4/19 and 4/20. Our next SIP Day is Friday, April 30th, with a 12:05 dismissal. Happy Easter and enjoy the 4-day weekend!
about 3 years ago, Nathan Brady
Attention JH parents and guardians: Just a reminder today is an SIP Day and we dismiss at 12:05. Also, 3rd Quarter report cards are posted in Alma for your viewing.
about 3 years ago, Nathan Brady
From the Havana Area Prevention Team:
about 3 years ago, Nathan Brady
Parents and Guardians, Here is a link to the 5 Essentials Survey that the State puts out every year, to gather information on our schools/communities. If you have some time, please fill this survey out to the best of your ability...we appreciate it! http://survey.5-essentials.org/illinois/survey/parent/ Also, a reminder that today is an SIP day for Havana 126 and the JH will let out around 12:05. No School Monday and no in-person school on Tuesday..we will see the students back here on Wednesday. Thank you to everyone for making the pickup process a little easier yesterday for our buses, we appreciate your efforts! Stay warm this weekend! Go Ducks!
about 3 years ago, Nathan Brady
Parents and guardians, We realize that our student drop off/pickup situation is not always ideal, due to the makeup of our driveways and that afternoon pickup can get pretty crazy with everyone trying to go different directions. We have stressed to our students to please be careful and only use our crosswalks when leaving the building, although some do not always follow these suggestions. With that being said, we need your cooperation in keeping all our roads, including the access road between the JH and HS clear of vehicles when possible. Today we had cars blocking the access roads and our buses could not take their normal routes, which messes up their drop-off times and routes. Please keep the access roads and our entrances clear, so that we can try and have a smooth dismissal and everyone can get home safely. If you are not coming around our circle drive to pick up your student, then please park in our lot, west of the school by the football field, where there is plenty of room to park in the spaces. Also, stress to your child to use the crosswalks and sidewalks, when they are available...we just do not want any unnecessary accidents or circumstances. We also have coats available to give away here at the JH, that were provided by John Lorek and Illinois Ability Sports, for those in need. We have several different sizes and colors available, so let us know if you are interested in one for your child, as we get through these colder days. This Friday, February 12th is an SIP Day early dismissal at 12:05 for the JH. Thank you for your time and cooperation!
about 3 years ago, Nathan Brady
Hello parents and guardians, With some weather issues this week, we wanted to clarify an issue on absences. If you call your child in for missing school because of the weather, or issues getting to school, you cannot say that your child is "remote" for that day or timeframe...they are just absent. Remote learning is only being provided for those students who have a medical excuse from a Doctor, as the reason they cannot attend in-person and anyone who is currently quarantined due to COVID or being a close-contact. We expect all students who do not fall under this category to be at school and learning in-person. If your child is out due to a non-COVID reason, they will be marked absent for that reason and follow our usual protocol for being absent and making up work. If you have any questions, please contact the Junior High office. Thanks!
about 3 years ago, Nathan Brady
REMINDER: Today is our last day in session for 2020!! We will return to in-person learning on Tuesday, January 5th. 1st Semester Report cards will be distributed on Friday, January 8th. It has been a very challenging Semester, but we made it through to Christmas Break with only a few bumps in the road. A big thank you to all of our staff, custodians, bus drivers, cafeteria workers and to you, parents and guardians, for making this a successful semester! We would like to wish everyone a safe and happy Holiday season. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all you Ducks out there and we will see you all in 2021!!
over 3 years ago, Nathan Brady
Reminder JH Parents and Guardians: Tomorrow, December 11th, is a School Improvement Day, with JH students dismissed at 12:05. Go Ducks!
over 3 years ago, Nathan Brady
JH Parents and Guardians: today is the 2nd Quarter midterm already. We will send any D/F slips home with students on Monday 11/30, to be signed and returned next week. Any remote D/F slips will be emailed to the parent/guardian on Monday 11/30 and a confirmation email is required. Also, NO SCHOOL tomorrow, Wednesday 11/25. We would like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and we will see students again on Monday, 11/30. Go Ducks!
over 3 years ago, Nathan Brady
Parents: please be conscience of your child's health and well-being as much as possible, especially during our Winter months. Good nutrition, adequate sleep (8-9 hours/night for adolescents), and staying hydrated with water or sugar-free drinks is a good place to start. Also, continue to stress social-distancing, washing of hands and using hand sanitizer, and wearing a mask when in public and around others indoors when necessary. Please continue to check your child for symptoms before sending them to school and use precautions when needed. Thank you for all you do to make sure your child is healthy, at school and staying on track academically! Go Ducks!
over 3 years ago, Nathan Brady
Reminder parents and students: Tomorrow, November 11th, there is NO SCHOOL, to observe Veterans Day. We want to thank all of our Veterans for their service and sacrifices!! Also, Friday, November 13th, is an SIP Day, with a 12:05 dismissal for students.
over 3 years ago, Nathan Brady
It was awesome to show our Havana #126 TEAM how much we appreciate the job they are doing for our students. Frozen Turkeys were passed out to every employee in a drive by hand off after school on Friday! Thanks to Randy at County Market for assisting us with this awesome event.
over 3 years ago, R. Mathew Plater
JH Principal Brady handing off a turkey.
Board Member Stockham helping out.
Principal McKinney with Mrs. Cameron making sure no one was missed.
Principal Cowell Thanking our employees
Reminder for JH Parents and Guardians: You can now view your student's report card in Alma. We are not sending report cards physically home with students. Also, there is NO SCHOOL tomorrow, Friday 10/30. The State of Illinois is also having schools take next Tuesday, 11/3, off of school for Election Day. So, NO SCHOOL on Tuesday 11/3. Have a great and safe 3-day weekend!
over 3 years ago, Nathan Brady