The Havana Administrative Team strives to continually evaluate and improve our Crisis Plans, Practices, and Procedure to keep them as current and relevant as possible. To stay current on trends and recommended procedures, we attend training annually on crisis related topics. A recent study of past school shootings determined that in 81% of those events someone had information or knew something was going to happen prior. It is vital that we have plans in place for all types of crisis, but we believe our new focus needs to be on prevention. The best way to avoid a crisis is to prevent a crisis. As a result we have created a new THREAT REPORT that can be completed by anyone on our website. This is an easy way for anyone who has information to share about threats or possible suspicious activity. Student safety at school is our #1 priority, but we need everyone’s help and assistance. The majority of this type of information in taking place on social media when students are not at school. You can access the form by going to our website , clicking on the menu tab and the “Threat Report” is at the bottom of the center column. We ask that everyone do their part to share any information that might involve the students, schools or district in any type of danger or threat so that our team and the local authorities can investigate.
New School Threat Report Form
March 27, 2019