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Havana CUSD #126 Remote Learning Plan

March 30, 2020


Dear Parents, Students and Staff,

Remote Learning will officially begin on Wednesday April 1st. Each Building Administrator will post and share more specific detailed guidance and instructions in a building level remote learning plan tomorrow. Please expect to follow this plan through the month of April and understand that this time period could be extended by the Governor of Illinois as he deems necessary. 

These are considered Instructional Remote Learning Days.  Student work can begin being counted and students are expected to engage in their assigned work daily.  Assignments will be shared electronically through the normal Pearson Digital Platform, by email, or by instructional packets depending on which school your student attends and their grade level. Building administrators and staff have surveyed students to identify those that may not have access to the internet.  Cass Cable has free Wi-Fi hotspots in several communities like Kilbourne and Bath.  All Havana Schools have internet that can be accessed by school devices by parking close to the buildings.  Many other businesses offer free Wi-Fi as well. For those that cannot get access, instructional packets with materials will be passed out on a weekly or every other week basis.  Anyone without access can also contact their building principal by email or by leaving a message at school to let them know that you will need instructional packets.

Most of our students and families should be able to complete all work using a digital method and only those without connectivity will need to utilize the paper products plus Kindergarten and 1st grades. To limit exposure to everyone, instructional packets can be sent on the buses delivering meals to all the current distribution different locations.  You can also pick up packets during meal pick up time at New Central.  Packets will be prepared to go out on Mondays and they will pick up any completed work on Mondays as well.  A storage tote has been located at the main entrance of New Central and the Junior High so people can drop off completed work anytime that it is convenient.  Again, we would like to focus on minimal contact so picking up and dropping off materials once a week is appropriate.

Teachers will be available to assist their students remotely by email or through other digital platforms like google classroom, dojo, and others on a daily basis.  Teachers may be reaching out to make contact with their students and especially those they have not had any contact with to see what we can do to help them during these challenging times.

Assignments will be limited to essential material and key standards necessary for future success in school.  It is our intent to restore some type of normalcy and primarily to continue communication with our students.  We want to make sure that all students are getting the social and emotional support they need during this most unusual time.  Please contact the District office by phone or email any teacher or administrator if you would like some assistance with any issues you or your students might be experiencing. 

Everyone should continue to practice all the recommended safety practices from the CDC.  Staying home and only going out when absolutely necessary.  Practice social distancing when you do have to go out, avoid touching your face after going out and washing your hands frequently are all recommended. Please look for additional information to come from your Child’s school administrator tomorrow.  We will adjust our plan to meet any new rules or new information that is directed to us from the State of Illinois. We will get through this together.  Stay safe and don’t put others in danger with your actions! 


Superintendent Plater